Covid-19 Protocols
The East L.A. Dodgers are still planning to participate in the 2021 Summer Baseball Season. With so many questions marks concerning the Covid-19, the quality of fields, State and Health guidelines, we are proceeding with caution and following all legal protocol.
All players must have their registration and fees turned in before the first game. Also, the following two documents must be signed and turned in before the first game:
All players must have their registration and fees turned in before the first game. Also, the following two documents must be signed and turned in before the first game:
- Waiver Form
- Parents, Players and Support Staff Covid-19 Protocol
PLEASE In ongoing efforts to keep players, staff and parents safe from COVID-19 while in the summer & fall program, we have implemented the following safety protocols.
Players must only use their own clean sanitized equipment, bat, helmet, glove etc.
Players must only use their own clean sanitized equipment, bat, helmet, glove etc.
- No sunflower seeds, gum or tobacco allowed – Closed concession; will monitor and modify as conditions warrant
- No watercoolers. Players have own-individual water bottles.
- No spitting and No high-fives or shacking hands
- Players and support staff bring own drink(s) – NO SHARING
- Players and support staff practice physical distancing - Use 6 foot distancing in dugouts, bullpens and look for additional seating outside of dugout along fence or behind dugout
- Players and support staff must wear a face mask in the dugout practice physical distancing. Players and staff need to wear face mask everywhere in the stadium except when players are on the field or partaking in strenuous activities.
- Parents please practice physical distancing and wear a face covering – Fans need to bring lawn chairs and blankets to sit along the backstops/fences and use social distance guidelines of 6 feet.
- Practice washing hands by carrying your own hand sanitizer
- Avoid sharing items like cell phones
- No base coaching
- Avoid touching your face
- The ball will be exchanged out any time it is put in play and touched by other player(s) aside from the catcher and pitcher
- Players on the field should wash/sanitize hands after handling any equipment
- Everyone needs to use good judgement – No umpire confrontation any discussion must be minimum 6 feet apart.
- Umpires wear breathing mask or call balls and strikes behind mound.
- Batboys/girls and ball boys/girls won’t be allowed at the games – Have a dugout health monitor to keep things clean and wiped down.
- Everyone suddenly would have to adapt to new directive changes (the new normal)
- No physical exchange of lineup cards
- I staff/player consent to having my temperature taken (non-contact) each day game/practice begins and acknowledge that for the safety of all, I may not be able to play/practice if I have a cough or a high temperature
- If sick STAY HOME
- Additional liability Insurance for coaches, staff and board members
- I do not have a cough
- I do not have a fever now, and have not had one in the past (3) days. If it is determined that you a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher you will be asked to return to your home
- I am not experiencing shortness of breath
- I have not traveled outside of the country in the past (2) weeks
- I have not come in contact with someone experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 in the past (2) weeks
Our philosophy is to put the ball in play, cut down the strikeouts, advance runners, score early in the game, and put pressure on the defense. Because of the wood bat regulations, the power game is minimal. Therefore we like to put the runners in motion, take the extra base, bunt, etc. Offensive execution is a key to our success.
Stay with your own guys. Do not talk trash to opponents. Wear the uniform right. Play hard and love the game. The team uniform is as follows: East L.A. Dodger jersey, white pants, pro style L.A. Dodger hat, black or blue cleats, royal blue belt and socks. Players will not be allowed on the field with any other attire. Each player is required to have his own wood bats and batting helmet. Because we pride ourselves in being a family, we owe it to each other to do whatever it takes to win. Our ultimate goal is to get to post season play, and to win the World Series in August. The team always comes first! Failure to hustle, showing up umpires, throwing equipment, disrespecting the game will not be tolerated.Stay with your own guys. Do not talk trash to opponents. Wear the uniform right. Play hard and love the game. The team uniform is as follows: East L.A. Dodger jersey, white pants, pro style L.A. Dodger hat, black or blue cleats, royal blue belt and socks. Players will not be allowed on the field with any other attire. Each player is required to have his own wood bats and batting helmet. |
1. To be the best you can be, the fire must come from within. You are responsible for your own motivation.
2. Quality practice is paying attention. It involves doing things with a purpose, and in having your mind fully engaged in what you are doing. 3. Nothing great is ever accomplished without enthusiasm. Enthusiasm makes the difference. 4. Make a commitment to learning. There is so much to learn about the game before it can be played at its highest level. 5. Understand that a primary goal of teaching anything is the advantage that learning gives people over their opponents who haven't been as well taught. 6. I will always represent the kind of competitor, the kind of fighter that ELA Dodgers baseball is all about. 7. ELA Dodgers baseball players recognize that the game is difficult, and are committed to improving their skills. 8. Successful anything and discipline are synonymous. 9. You can't always control what happens to you, but you can always control how you respond to it. 10. Adversity is part of what makes baseball a great game. It's how you choose to respond to the adversity that counts. |
11. A confident player has strong positive thoughts and images running through his head.
12. Your performance is going to be determined by your attitude. You've got to develop a sense of pride in performance. 13. We realize that we still have 33% of our inning left once there are 2 outs. We will score many runs with 2 outs. 14. The opponent is the game. We have a deep respect for the game. A respect for the game that most team's don't. 15. ELA Dodger Coaches like to see players who truly care about the team and about getting better. 16. In all sports and pretty much in all of life, the mental is to physical as four is to one. 17. The most competitive and toughest mentally will win. 18. Your career = Today......Today.....That's where you have control. That is where the action is. 19. Trust each other.......Trust the Coaches. 20. Winning as a team is far more important than individual goals. "It's all about TEAM!" (ADOPTED FROM THE MT. CARMEL BASEBALL PROGRAM) |